Welcome to the landing page for the GlobWetland Africa extension on Wetland Inventory.

Project introduction

The GlobWetland Africa extension on Wetland Inventory aims to leverage the experience from GlobWetland Africa by consolidating the methodological approach on Earth Observation (EO) to wetland inventories. The ultimate goal is to provide the Ramsar secretariat with practical EO solutions (i.e., technical guidelines and software tools) that can support the Ramsar Contracting Parties (i.e., countries signatory to the Ramsar Convention on wetlands) to integrate Earth Observation into their national systems and processes on wetland inventories and to efficiently report on SDG 6.6.1 on changes in water-related ecosystems. As a demonstration and proof of concept of the methodological consolidation, the project will produce and validate three national wetland inventories (Tunisia, Uganda, and Namibia ), based on the full time series of Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 imagery acquired during a 4-year baseline period 2017-2020.

Read the full background story and achievements of the GlobWetland Africa project here

The GlobWetland Africa project and the extension on wetland inventory is funded by the European Space Agency in partnership with the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

Project partners: