Everything you need for this project

Site contents

This website helps users to know more about the wetland coverage and its change over a period of time using satellite imagery and data.

The page contains the following data:

Additionally, the site requires you to select the administrative level for statistical exploration (e.g., do you want to see country-scale, regional or district-scale statistics. After selecting the scale, just click on the area you want to see statistics for and the statistics will be displayed on the right-hand side.

Note that the intended use of the site is to compare the baseline conditions with current or recent wetland mappings. Hence, the reporting and statistics mostly makes sense when more than one map is available for comparison.

Explore how its made

The core parts of the code for this webpage is based on an open source framework which can be accessed through a repository on GitHub. You will need a standard webhost for hosting the site, as well as a server for hosting both raster and shapefiles as WMS-layers. In our case we use GeoServer for this.

Download Data layers

Wetlands maps have been produced by the project to act as the baseline wetland map for reporting on SDG indicator 6.6.1 in Uganda, Tunisia and Namibia. The maps are based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data from 2017 and 2020. The maps are available in the viewer here, but can also be shown in your QGIS by adding the layer as an XYZ Tile service. Just use the following URLs:







The workflow for generating the wetland area statistics displayed in the portal is included in the GlobWetland-Africa Toolbox. version of the toolbox.

The national and sub-national divisions for the area statics can be downloaded here:

Note that the classes of the map don’t align with the SDG reporting classes. Within the SDG reporting framework, natural and artificial water bodies are reported separately, but these are not possible to discern directly from remote sensing data.

Request online processing of wetland pre-inventory

Click this link to request an automatic processing of a wetland pre-inventory. You need to specify the area of interest (max 100 km2) and a time period (any period within the 2018-2021 time frame).

Read the full background and step by step guidance for requesting a wetland pre-inventory here.

Download toolbox

The automatic processed wetland inventory is only considered preliminary. It needs to be reviewed, potentially updated and verified by local experts.

The GWA toolbox provide the necessary functionality to inspect, update and validate the wetland pre-inventory. In addition, the toolbox provide functionality for performing more detailed wetland habitat mapping over restricted areas (e.g., individual Ramsar sites) and for deriving various wetland indicators.

Click here to download the GlobWetland Africa Toolbox and access the software user manual here.

Access tutorials

The following links will download step-by-step guidance and example data for the most common toolbox operations:

The wetland maps and online processing system have been produced by GeoVille. For further information please contact: Michael Riffler.

This portal and the toolbox was developed by DHI. For futher information, please contact Christian Tøttrup.